Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Preparing Your Spirit for your MAN


A few thoughts on this article...

I agree with all the things she lists; but I thought of one more...

I have to prepare my spirit to meet my husband...

What do I mean by this?  Well some days you have really BAD days.  Who do you want to share those things with???  Your best friend.  Your husband. 

It would be so easy when he walks in the door ( I really have to work on this one) to unload all that baggage we have been carrying all day on him so that I can feel better; but how is that fair?  After all...he has come home with his own baggage too.  

When my husband came home last night we both had really bad days.  Me because of myself; but his day was filled with problems at work.  When he walked in I said "hey babe".  The kids hugged him and then he sat down on the floor and played with them.  I asked him how his day went and I could tell by his answers that he really didn't want to talk about it.  I left him to play with the girls and went about fixing dinner.  I noticed that how having him home...get this...made me feel so much happier than I had been all day.  (If you follow my blog you know that this is major growth :o)  I didn't unload all my junk and he left his outside the door and we had a really pleasant evening.  He didn't enter into a home full of chaos; but a home that welcomed him in.  Whispered softly..."sit down, take your shoes off; RELAX"!!

I know that we are to be able to share everything with each other...and I feel that we can; but sometimes you just need to leave it all outside your house and enjoy being.

On those days that I have really BAD days it would do me well to take some time before he comes home to prepare my spirit for him.  Analyze all the "drama" I have had and leave what is not important unsaid.  He doesn't have to know EVERY TIME I yelled at the kids or put them in time out through the day.  He NEEDS to know that even though we both have had long days that he can sit down on the couch and feel peace.  After all the hustle and bustle of the day the only thing he wants to do is be with us.

Take a little time out today before your man gets home and prepare your spirit to greet him.  It may require a little prayer sometimes; but it will make your home a lot more peaceful.  After all one of the things I try to remember (and fail at a lot) is that YOU control the atmosphere in your home.  YOU are there day in and day out.  YOU have a chance to choose war or peace!! 

Lord help me to choose peace!! 

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