Little Bit

Our beautiful little miracle was born on October 17, 2011.

Her birth process from the beginning to end was an absolute miracle. 

We had been trying to have children for 8 years and had completely given up.  We had gone to a fertility specialist who told us that everything was fine; and it may just take time.  Most people this would have given them peace; but for us we thought maybe the Lord just didn't want us to have children.  I thought that maybe he had something else in mind.  When we had finally resigned ourselves to that fact a miracle happened. 

One morning about 8 am before Phillip was awake I had this weird feeling I needed to go and buy a test.  Completely silly I thought because in our 8 years of marriage I had single handily helped support the entire pregnancy test industry.  I think I bought on every month for 8 years.  I got up and got one.  I kept putting off taking it because in my mind I thought...well if I am then I still will be later in the afternoon.  When I finally took it I almost feel on the floor.  NO WAY!!!!  Out of the hundreds I had taken this one said pregnant.  I called Phillip in the room and we both cried and thanked the Lord. 

I had a normal pregnancy with no complications at all and then one day I went in for a check up.  The nurse came in and did the normal check up procedures and then left the room.  She came back and asked me if I was feeling alright.  I said yep...I sure am.  She asked again.  Are you sure you are ok???  Now I was a little nervous.  The doctor came in and said that my BP was elevated and they wanted me to go next door and let them hook me up to the monitors.  He said then we would know if we were going to have a baby today. 

I was nervous; but really didn't think anything would happen.  I called Phillip and told him to come to the hospital; but that he didn't have to hurry.  I called my wonderful step mother Janet and asked her to come be with me till Phillip got there.  I think she got there in about 5 minutes. 

As I was hooked up I began to get scared and so I called my friend.  She kind of talked me down off the wall.  About the time that Janet got there I started getting the shakes and some of the symptoms started setting in.  They came in and said that her heart rate had dropped and we were headed to the OR.  Phillip got there right as they were wheeling out.  He says that even though I said all was well he just felt to leave right away.  Thankfully he did or he would have missed the whole thing. 

By this time I was terrified and I remember as I was going into the OR I looked up and saw the big sign that said O.R. 1.  As I looked at that sign I literally in my mind was don't want to do this today...nope.  I don't think I said it out loud; but I did try to sit up and climb off the bed.  I was as freaked as freaked could be.  As they began the C-Section Phillip held my hand and I asked him if he was praying and he said yes.  His eyes said that he hadn't stopped since he got there.  I am so thankful for a rock of a husband that knows who to call on when needed. 

The delivery went great and she was fine.  We heard her cry and got to see her before they took her to the NICU.  She was 4 weeks early.  They were worried about her lungs being developed; but after they checked her out she was fine.  She was just small.  3lbs. and 3 oz.  I nicknamed her my "Little Bit". 

I would love to tell you all that the Lord did to save my little girl; but time wont allow it.  She stayed in the hospital for 17 days for her to grow and learn how to eat on her own.  These days were dreadful for us as parents; but we knew that she was in the best place with people who loved and cared for her.

Today she is a happy healthy 3 1/2 year old who shows no signs of her ordeal.    We are thankful everyday for the things the Lord has done for our little family.  I love you little bit :o)