Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Dad:   Sam Perry - I find myself watching him more and more. Studying how he does things. Responds. I am learning more by watching him than I ever have. I love to watch how he is with my girls. In leading by example he is teaching me to be a better parent.
I love you Dad!!

My Father in Law:   Michael Wyrick - I will never forget standing in their living room showing off my wedding dress and him bawling like a baby. I knew in that moment that he really loved me. :o)
I love you Dad #2 :o)

My Husband:   Phillip Wyrick - One of the many reasons I fell in love with him is because I knew he would be a great father and he would love any children we were blessed to have. He would and does lay down his life for them everyday.
I love you honey!!!


  1. You need to post the picture of Sophie on your dad's lap Saturday night during service. So sweet.
