Monday, September 30, 2013

9-28-2013 Poem

Stripped down and broken
This is who I am.
Battered and beaten

With a heart full of sin.

Useless and helpless

No strength left to stand.

With faults and failures

Too many to mend.

With all that I carry
With all that I am,

The good and the bad

And all that’s within.

With all those who mock

And say that I can’t .

I reach for a goal

The Lord says I’ll win.

He promised to help me
He said that I can.

He said that He’d save me

He said I could win.

He said He would finish

This work He began.

He promised to keep me

Right up to the end.

Let go of your trials
Let go of your plan.

Let go of the things

That bind you within.

You can’t take them with you

They wont help you stand.

It’s time to let go

It’s time to enter in.

DW 9-28-2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Going where we have never gone before...
Wyrick Academy
I'm sure there will be more posts to come :0)